From: LaBruzzo, Rep. (District Office)
To: The Chicory
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: Tube tying programThe AP has reported that Rep. John LaBruzzo of Metairie was stripped of his Leadership Position on the Health and Welfare Committee for the recently leaked idea of offering a financial incentive to welfare recipients that voluntarily choose to get a tubal ligation or vasectomy (which the state already pays for). After taking heat from the liberal media for even thinking of the idea, House Speaker Jim Tucker removed Rep. LaBruzzo from his vice-chairman position.
This sends the message that if anyone dare bring up ways to reform the welfare system they will be severely and harshly dealt with. It appears the Republican Party leaders do not have the backbone to stand up to the liberal media and the ACLU. If you agree that the issue of generational welfare needs to be addressed in some way to end waste and abuse and create a plan to help welfare recipients start a new life that does not include generations living a lifetime on welfare, please contact your local representative and senator. Also feel free to voice your concerns to House Speaker Jim Tucker [(225) 342-7263) ]that demoting someone that has the guts to address this topic is the wrong message for a state that desperately needs to end years of waste in government. Please forward this to your friends and family to send a message to our state leaders that the hard-working tax payers deserves a voice in the capitol!
Wow, he still won’t back down – what is with these GOPers? Arrogant to the core…
I’ll be sure to contact Tucker and tell him great job demoting the fascist
Did the ACLU even comment on this at all? Even a little bit?
And I’ve never ever heard the T-P called liberal media before.