Hello Nancy Pelosi! My name is Lance Vargas and I am a blogger down in New Orleans. You know, the City That Bush Forgot!
Man, I was so happy when you and the Democrats took control of Congress back in 2006! I’m not a huge fan of your party but man, I can’t stand those Republicans! They can really mess a country up in a short time span can’t they? I’m still waiting for my trickle downs. Starting to get a crook in my neck! In fact I can hardly even see what’s going on up there but I hear there is some sort of financial crisis going on and there isn’t anything left to trickle down. They spent it all up and left nary a drop! It’s a good thing I wasn’t waiting for it anyway!
See Nancy, debt has been a monkey on my back since I moved to New Orleans four years ago. During the transition my fiances took a hit and I relied on my credit card to get by. Those plastic slices of ruin have been a sucking chest wound on my finances ever since! My interest rate jumped 14 percent because I was late on my SBA loan? What?
Since I know each credit card company is backed up by a financial institution and since our nation’s financial institutions are in so much trouble these days I was just wondering if the proposed $700 Billion might be better used getting ME out of debt. And folks like me of course.
See, even with the most liberal of calculations, $2,333 of the $700 billion bailout is my individual portion. That’s $700 billion divided by the 300 million Americans.
So, how much would it help America’s financial institutions if everybody decided to pay off $2,333 worth of their debt all at once? Would it help? If so, I’d like to formally request that my portions be paid to my USAA credit card. It’s the one with the highest balance.
And I’m not looking for a handout either, I want the same interest rate being offered to the big companies. I just don’t want to be indebted to a credit card company anymore and since Congress is in the business of debt relief, I figured I would go ahead and propose this! In fact, if you want to pay off the entire balance of the USAA card, we can work it that way too.
Anyway, let’s talk. I think you’ll find that this Vargas Plan will assist both the little guy and the big guy. I’m just worried about giving away the equivalent of 16 Cat-5 Hurricane Protection and rebuilt coasts to folks who have already shown to be bad with money. I mean, I’m not great with the stuff myself but at least I’m managing. And this is with being laid off twice and a few natural disasters to boot!
Also, I am posting this letter and your response on my blog, www.thechicory.com
Lance “Varg” Vargas
e-mailed 10:16 a.m.
nice! maybe we could throw my mortgage in with the debt relief.