Edit 2: Oh, I know why Gustav is coming this weekend. It’s God punishing us again. How many times can a community get smote in one decade? Say, that reminds me, have Y’all seen this?
Edit:From the 2 p.m. forecast discussion out of NHC, “One should not read much into such shifts of the forecast track since the typical error of a 5-day prediction is over 300 miles.”
Our local paper’s Web site has ordered us to clean out your freezer today and asking Just what is a 3-day emergency food supply? Meanwhile, “the West Bank levee board and some businesses have installed a robust line of wire cages filled with sand along that southern stretch.”
It’s actually more comforting to have the track pointing right at New Orleans 100 hours out.
Rita three days out
And then there is the spaghetti which is not in agreement.
And just to fully adorn my amateur meteorologist cap, I think the next day is going to matter a lot as to the German’s final destination.
Gustav is worrisome. But let’s save the panic for the weekend shall we? Because I’m wanting to see Vavavoom at Mimi’s on Friday and sell some art on Saturday. Might be a clearance!
Thanks for posting the links to the paths of previous storms.
It’s funny how no meteorologist has mentioned the historic error rate for x number of days out. It would be very reassuring, but I guess it would make them look like they have no idea, which is probably why it’s never brought up.
“It’s funny how no meteorologist has mentioned the historic error rate for x number of days out. It “would be very reassuring, but I guess it would make them look like they have no idea, which is probably why it’s never brought up.”
Just for the record that was Bob Breck’s main talking point today. Maybe he’s a fan of this site.
He’s always been out of the mainstream loop telling people to chill when every body else is hyped and having a great onscreen freak out when the shit is hitting the fan.
He is definitely my post Nash guy.
Bob Breck has been pretty good through this. Bottom line so far is that all the models are wrong, Gustav has be hanging around the pool like some bad German tourist at a Caribbean resort.
Of course, I recall the wandering track of Rita as Houstonians collectively crapped in their pants and then crapped again. I fact I think they were still crapping themselves after the storm had passed. It was really kind of funny is black sort of way.
@Celcus: Agreed on Breck. I love how he’s mocking the insanity over the “Cone of Doom”.
@Varg: Thanks for those maps, that was cool. -My rule is that I prep as much as possible at the start of hurricane season (when you’re fucking supposed to), and then I wait for them to get in the Gulf before I start to scramble.
Those links are somewhat reassuring – but the scare definitely created a run on gasoline and water today – 3-4 cars deep at the stations – topping off is never a bad thing…
…now where’s the stash of cash in the house, hmmm