Sewage and Water Board looking to copyright meter cover utilized by artists and T-shirt shops.
Leggo our logo! S&WB asks state to protect emblem
A great page of Katrina images from Tulane Deptartment of Earth & Environmental Sciences. The diagrams are all well worth checking out as well as the images of levee scour and trenching.
Katrina Images
Stephen A. Nelson
NPR story on Katrina tours. Not sure how I feel about them. Good thing is that they get the scope of the disaster out. Bad news is they are exploitive.
New Orleans Tours Include Hurricane Ruin
Freakin’ S&WB! Next thing you know they’ll be looking to sell their tap water in bottles… oh wait they floated that idea already.
Sorry.. meant to include a link in there.
Thanks for the link to that NPR story. I missed that. Now that they’ve demolished the house on the corner, the tour buses visiting the London Canal breach have a nice view of my FEMA travel trailer as they go down the cross street back to Paris Avenue. I do not wave. This ain’t Disneyworld.
Do THEY wave?
Well, y’all can always do the one-fingered wave, but that would truly be rude, crude, and socially unacceptable.
Then again, so is gawking at ruined neighborhoods as though they are Museum of Natural History exhibits…
I rode along on 3 disaster tours. Each time it was with Organizations here looking for more information about what has happened, or not happened. I went on each one hoping that when I looked out the window no one would recognize me. So I guess ashamed would be a proper description.
What bothered me most is that at the end of the tour no one offers any sort of “what you can do to help” info. It seems that at the very least Grey Line could hand out a flyer with the contact names of the Neighborhood Organizations that they just traipsed thru.