I am in a daiquiri shop by Jackson Square watching the blood-pressure increasing performance of the Saints vs. the Panthers when all of the sudden this commercial runs…
And I was all like whaaaaat? When the November mudslinging commences, how much is going to get on Obama?
It’s called preserving your majority. This is a good pickup chance and unless Cao signs an affidavit saying that he’ll vote for Pelosi for Speaker, I’m voting for Richmond too. I’ll be holding my nose but I’ll punch his button.
I don’t know how this is shocking exactly. Obama was going to endorse whomever won the Dem nom. for this race.
Richmond has not been arrested or anything, he simply abused a slush fund a lot of people dip into kinda/sorta legally. Not to say he’s not a dick for doing it.
I guess it just gives his opponents another weapon to attack him with. Why would he put himself in that position if Richmond is supposed to win this thing handily anyway/ Why bother? Seems naive to me. I think a lot of Obama’s struggles have been due to inexperience and often wonder if Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have made a better president. This coming from an Independent who almost always votes Democrat (except for Cao V. Richmond / Cao V. Jefferson.