$50.00 Poem - 2 mpegs - 10 lanes of explosions - 20 blocks down broadway - Anything but snails - Because of Ben - Before my girlfriend - The Bastard Son of California - Blood, white and blue - catskull balcony - Civic Lessons in WINCity - damned awareness - Dead rock babies - Delicate hat girl - Easter Sunday - the end of the Internet - Every day except weekends and holidays - The fall of America will take place inside an am pm - fucking loved ones - girls girls girls - I Am Not A Political Poet - I Grew Older - incapable of a coffeestain - July 4 - La Jolla I & II - Lad - Lines composed 35,000 feet over Wichita, Kansas concerning unimportance of a crafted scapegoat on March 26, 2001 - Miller and Mayhew - MPL - My friends - My girlfriend's bed - no rest for the wicked - nothingness - the obligatory low - On giant chickens - On the corner of Rosecrans and Midway - Out Here - People who stalk - Perhaps it's television? - A Poem Not Called I Want - progression - Sunday Siempre - then - turns to sex - worker>machine>product - wrote counting the hours - wrote in American lit - wrote on my resume - variable the outcome - zeitgeist

Miller and Mayhew 2001

10 minutes after each class
and scattered throughout the day
the lessons of Miller and Mayhew
appear in my cluttered head
and place my thoughts
in different piles
nothing very orderly
but better than before
or maybe worse

Miller who was detained
at the Canadian border
for trying to smuggle
the pornographic literature
of Lawrence Whitman and Ginsburg

Mayhew who trumpets her birthday
and digs Monty Python
William Shakespeare
Bessie Smith
and eloquently describes mead halls

They teach me literature
and then cast out onto the streets of America’s Finest City
and the buildings flaw me
and men in ties
seem to chase me
down B street
screaming, “your our guy!!! You’re our guy!!!”

Do Miller and Mayhew know what they are doing to me?
Do they realize that they are whittling away the already thin chances
I may one day be a sales manager?

Can they comprehend the thought that after a semester of their teaching
I have now been rendered a useless employee at my job?

Nothing else matters now except the reading and the writing
it’s all or nothing for me now
no settling for a career I don’t love
and in the end
I’ll thank Miller and Mayhew

or blame them

blame them or thank them for their enlightenment